One day while at my second home Ten Eleven Grill I happened to meet someone that mentioned he had an online radio show. My first thought, was an online radio show?? How does that work? I haven’t heard much about these type of radio stations and from there on the way I viewed radio was different. A radio was not longer the look of a boom box or a radio with a cd player and tape player. Radio has changed over the years and this show definitely raised the bar. It’s title is just the tip of the iceberg into the gateway of reality. Radio stations in my day played music and you knew the radio personalities, but was more about the music, sponsors, commercial, etc. The Online Happy Hour brings controversial, real life concerns to the table. It is the most listened to show on DFWIRadio.
The Mind Behind the Creation
He is a father, life coach, host, and a writer. He is one of the hardest working men that I have run across in a long time. He takes pride in being an involved father and writing about things that will reach out and help others. He doesn’t try to hide behind the simple topics to discuss and believes in giving back to his community. He is Andy Brown and known by many as AB. He is a Kansas City, MO native and a graduate from Grambling State University. He started out with blog talk radio in 2009 and expanded to DFWIRADIO and TMIRADIO. He is the author and play of Second Place Women Come in First and Mixed Emotions. He continues to push himself to stay above trends and is focused on bringing awareness amongst us. AB is truly a people person and loves to talk with people and hear their feedback on everyday events.
The Online Happy Hour
The show itself has been on since 2012 and continues to grow. They discuss topics from education, relationships, community, gender roles, domestic violence, and current events. It starts at 6 PM and goes until 8 PM CST and takes place in Grand Prairie, TX. The Online Happy Hour can be accessed by phone, laptop, or computer by typing in It is sponsored by Deep Eddy and one of the Deep Eddy Betties also frequents the show.
The Online Happy is truly that and offers drinks that can be mixed right in the studio. The show not only offers an open place for sharing ideals and opinions, but a chance to have a drink with people you come to know fairly well. At times there are guest speakers that call in or drop by, but no matter who you are AB makes you welcome in the studio. I was nervous about showing up and being a part of the show when available, but once I got there and met everyone; that was no longer a concern. It is a laid back atmosphere with parties from all walks of life that are ready to share their input and reasoning. I have met doctors, lawyers, educators, government workers, military employees, poets, bloggers, and many more while visiting. The show allows for time to talk with callers on the show. Listeners also have other alternatives to comment on Facebook and Twitter. The conversations get fairly deep based on the crowd in the studio and the parties calling in. I personally think the best part of the show is after the topic surface gets scratched some and everyone is talking. All tend to be respectful of the others opinions, but the show does touch on topics that is considered touchy for some. When discussing racial issues, reading in the black community, education, and things such as dating people tend to have a lot to say. As Andy would say, “It is hot as fish grease in there at times.”
It takes me back to the topic of Tokenism… Man, Man, Man. I promise that two hours flew by as we addressed issues this derived from in the community, mindset, misconceptions, gave examples of how this could be handled. I wish I could fully recap a few of his shows for you. They are just so heartfelt and full of people sharing knowledge. We all learn from one another and it can help to hear experiences and background of so many. So many times it is about trying to understand how a person gets there and due to the autonomy on the show we can dig just that deep.
The Online Happy Hour is the only radio show I have seen that keeps the energy level it begins with throughout the show. I believe this can be hard to keep going as many times people clam up as different ideas are shared. However, in this environment and the set up that he has that doesn’t happen. Normally one of us is waiting to talk next which doesn’t leave any dead air time or silence. Andy does make sure although we are chatty in the studio, that the callers calling and people sending messages are being recognized as well and their opinions are discussed. It may very well be his show, but he does not tie his visitors to only one side of the story or restrict comments. If you happen to miss the show you can catch it on by clicking on the demand tab and The Online Happy Hour tab. The shows are normally available for about a week after airing.
During the show there are commercial breaks playing commercials from people that were looking to advertise on his show to grow their market. I love hearing what is new and going on in the community through the advertisements. They are different then those you hear on other stations. If you are looking for a marketing piece for your business, he is also available for that as well. I can personally attest to this as I have seen my market grow while marking with The Online Happy Hour.
The topic today is Black History Month: Vol 3:Cultural Diversity or not and will be broadcasting live from Ten Eleven Grill tonight at 1011 Corinth Dallas, TX 75… from 6PM to 8 PM. Feel free to come out and join us as this venue is celebrating Fat Tuesday. No cover, gumbo, shrimp, catfish and drink specials.
Come out and join us today if you can. If you can’t don’t miss the topic today and every Tuesday evening after.
In March the show is moving to and feel free to follow the show on Facebook and Twitter.
Even more intrigued bow than before!! Thanks for keeping us abreast of the happenings in our community.
Even more intrigued now than before!! Thanks for keeping us abreast of the happenings in our community.