Sex as a vice versus just enjoyment could be seen two different ways. Most people enjoy the connection with another person through this avenue. Just remember to be smart and safe about it. I believe that most that turn to sex as a vice aren’t addicts but maybe have a void of affection they are attempting to fill. Many of those are dealing with personal issues that may include rape, molestation, or feeling that this is what validates them. I don’t know that I would characterize someone that uses it as a vice as an addict as I think there would be some distinctions there based on definitions. I wonder with this if it is considered you guys see it as a vice if they are continuing the same act with the same person. Is it only an issue if the person they are having sex with is toxic? I also wouldn’t consider someone with a high sex drive being someone that uses sex as a vice.
I think all three can be dangerous if not used in moderation. As we all face the whirlpool that we endure daily called life and we have to learn to deal with those issues head on. A vice, I believe can be handled in moderation and not leave a negative impact on your life. However, I think there can be a line that people can easily skip over that takes you from getting through that moment to an addiction that requires a program. Many of us at a young age turn to these things because we may not be sure what else to do. I want to remind you after having turned to some of these as well that after taking to one of these, the problem is still there when you wake up from your drunken stupper. When that cigarette burns out? When the partner you don’t know leaves after the act. I hope your support teams are willing to step up and say something. I know I have had that uncomfortable conversation with those I know I care about. Make time folks to process what you go through as sweeping it under the rug only leaves it around to later terrorize you after that vice is worn off. You don’t want to reach the point where that vice is no longer taking you to the place you want to be and find yourself inching into areas that are not longer vices, but rather now are sure addictions.