Dear Future Husband,

Thank you in advance for being a man of God in the way that knows and accepts his leadership and husband qualities. I will see in you that you understand your highest calling and relationship is with God before me and your devotion to me will be held at a higher standard than one I’ve ever known. God created you perfectly for me (not perfect).

The thought of the passion, respect, and undying love for you brings tears to my eyes. You will be the first one that I love in a different way. It is a scary thing to see so much in a man and know that I am willing to lay down so much for that one. We bring each other smiles, tears, and endure the trenches for one another out of the appreciation that we have for one another.

I will know you when I see you as you will take my breathe away when you enter a room. My attraction to you is not based around my physical attraction to you. Don’t get me wrong, there will be that attraction, but what will grab my attention first are the words from your lips to my ears. You will speak in a way that I am not used to in men. The wisdom you will share speaks to the core of my soul; an area that has not fully been reached before. You will carry yourself in a way that pulls my eyes to you and captures my interest. Your conversation will stimulate my mind, leaving me hanging on to your words and leaving me longing to hear your voice. I will find myself so pulled to you that I won’t be able to explain it to others. My peeps will be shocked in the way I am taken back by you as they have never seen me be so into a man and willing to learn from him. You won’t know all the answers and nor will you pretend to.

Thank you for being sensitive enough to be there when I am ill and strong enough to bare my pain on your shoulders. You aren’t turned off by my tears that may come when discussing my past or my mistakes; you are intrigued by them. You seem to be the type of man that communicates in a way that I have not known in a relationship. When I am with you all the pain from my past that has been so well captured in Mary J Blige songs is a fond memory. You bring me a sense of solitude that I have never felt. I now hear Luther Vandross, The Isley’s Brothers, Sade, and other love songs in a way I have never before. You have given me a love that I didn’t know was possible. I will experience unconditional love that is foreign to many. As Luther says… I’d rather have bad days with you then good days with someone else. I’d rather be beside you in the storm than safe and warm by myself. You will be a man that embraces our differences and looks for ways for us to use them to motivate one another. You see my dreams as vividly as I do.

The touch of your hand will send chills up my spine. The countless hugs before we dated kept me longing to feel you pull me close, hold me, and for that one enduring kiss on the forehead. The first kiss from your lips to mine will leave me feeling like I am in a fairytale. I have no concerns of my physical desires being met as I know that we will be able to fulfill one another in a way that will seem like a dream.

Hubby, you will have power in your tongue and I will be submissive to you as I will see God in you and the things you do. I can release that controlling tinge I have that has to come out to handle things and allow you to lead our household due to the God that I see in you. You truly take us from being a force to a movement and the words of Musiqs song, Don’t Change, come to life as I feel myself falling in love with you.

At times I fear that although I will know you on sight or even by the words… what if you never see me. You may not be ready for what I see in you. So for that I will wait and be patient and trust in what God has shared with me. I will be able to do this as I need you as I need air to breathe.

I pledge to you my undying love. To know and accept that we won’t always agree, but will be willing to hear you out. I pledge to you a promise to try and fight for us like I haven’t before. We won’t always like or understand one another, but I believe what God has brought together no man can tear apart. I promise as your wife to be open and evaluate myself from time to time. I will value you, respect you, and honor you.


K Joi